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All abstracts by Cailey B Condit in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Apatite Petrochronology and Microtextural Analyses: A New Tool to Directly Date and Geochemically Characterize Subduction Processes in the Seismogenic Zone
Odlum M, Condit CB, Ferrell M, Poulaki E, Menant A & Soukis K

(2023) Extensive Forearc Mantle Serpentinization Catalyzed by Early Subduction Zone Thermal Evolution
Epstein GS, Condit CB, Guevara VE, Holt AF & Stoner R

(2023) Forming a Talc-Rich Slow Slipping Subduction Interface: P-T-T-X History of Metasomatic Rocks
Hoover WF, Condit CB, Teng F-Z, Moser A, Mulcahy S, Easthouse G, Pike C, Lindquist PC, Guevara VE & Berg A

(2023) Metamorphic Fluid Production, Fluid Pressures, and Resultant Slip Behaviors at Deep Slow Slip Conditions during Prograde Subduction
Condit CB, French ME, Hoover WF, Lindquist PC, Guevara VE, Holt AF & Cooperdock EHG

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