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All abstracts by Jacquelyn N. Bracco in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Complex Reaction Kinetics during Direct Air Capture of CO2 by MgO: What an Improved Fundamental Understanding of Mineral Nucleation and Growth can Tell us
Stack AG, Weber J, Yuan K, Starchenko V, Bracco JN, Rampal N & Anovitz LM

(2023) Linking Molecular-Level Processes on Crystal Surfaces and Macroscopic Thermodynamics and Kinetics Modeling of Reactions
Zhang Y, Zhu C, Gong L & Bracco JN

(2023) Effect of Impurities on Magnesium Oxide Hydroxylation and Carbonation
Weber J, Camacho G, Yuan K, Moseley B, Eng PJ, Stubbs JE, Boebinger M, Starchenko V & Bracco JN

(2023) Sorption of Oxyanionic Contaminants at the Barite (001)–water Interface†
Yang P, Bracco JN, Fenter P, Stack AG & Lee SS

(2023) Development of an in situ Apparatus for Synchrotron-Based Surface Scattering Measurements at Mineral–water Interfaces in Elevated Pressure and Temperature Conditions
Lee SS, Park C, Bracco JN, Yang P, Stack AG & Fenter P

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