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All abstracts by Davide Berno in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) The Successful Carbon Storage Through Subsurface Mineral Carbonation in the Volcanic Rocks Near Jazan, Southwest Saudi Arabia
Oelkers EH, Addassi M, Omar A, Afifi A, Hoteit H, Finkbeiner T, Menegoni N, Delaunay A, Fedorik J, Ahmed Z, Kunnummal N, Gislason SR, Bjornsson G, Berno D & Arkadakskiy S

(2024) Isotope Geochemistry Played a Key Role for the Successful Completion of the First Pilot Demonstration Project of Subsurface Mineralization of CO2 in Saudi Arabia
Arkadakskiy S, Ahmed Z, Kunnummal N, Fedorik J, Addassi M, Omar A, Menegoni N, Berno D, Afifi A, Finkbeiner T, Hoteit H, Bjornsson G, Gislason SR, Shouakar-Stash O & Oelkers EH

(2023) Geochemistry of Groundwaters from the First Subsurface CO2 Mineral Carbonation Pilot Site in Saudi Arabia
Arkadakskiy S, Oelkers EH, Bjornsson G, Gislason SR, Finkbeiner T, Hoteit H, Afifi A, Addassi M, Fedorik J, Berno D, Ahmed Z & Kunnummal N

(2023) Post-Accretion Magmatic Events in the Arabian Shield: Insights from the Neoproterozoic Khamal Intrusive Complex
Berno D, Sanfilippo A, Bonazzi M, Fedorik J & Afifi A

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