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All abstracts by Ethan F. Baxter in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Garnet Sm-Nd Geochronological Insights into the Metamorphism of the Nashoba Terrane, Massachusetts, USA
Croft KL, Castro AE, Walker S & Baxter EF

(2024) Rb-Sr Isotope Fingerprinting the Impacts of Human Land Use on Sediment Provenance in the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Watershed, USA
Seal DM, Baxter EF, Snyder NP, Cook TL, Adams B, Yu-Kisselbach L, Dahl T & Mortimer B

(2024) Pressure-Temperature Constraints for ca. 2.6 Ga Metamorphism in the Narryer Terrane, Near the Jack Hills Metasedimentary Belt, Western Australia
Paul EG, Maneiro KA & Baxter EF

(2024) Rb-Sr Systematics of Erg Chech 002 Constrain the Volatile Element Accretion History of Early Planetesimals
Nicklas RW, Walker S, Lonero AJ & Baxter EF

(2024) Rapid Development of Spiral Garnets during Subduction Zone Metamorphism Revealed from High-Resolution Sm-Nd Garnet Geochronology
Farrell TP, Baxter EF, Aerden D, Starr PG & Williams M

(2023) Timescales of Oceanic Lithosphere Hydration: Constraints from Rodingites, Apennines, Italy
Lorthioir C, Scambelluri M, Belmonte D, Millonig LJ, Gerdes A, Marschall H, Starr PG & Baxter EF

(2023) Geochemically Fingerprinting the Impacts of Human Land Use on Sediment Provenance
Seal DM, Baxter EF, Snyder NP, Corrado K, Sajonia-Coburgo T, Schirmacher A, Cook TL, Dahl T & Fall K

(2023) Zoned Sm-Nd Geochronology Reveals Rapid Garnet Megablast Growth in Dora-Maira Whiteschists
Croft KL, Harvey KM, Alvaro M, Scambelluri M, Walker S, Starr PG, Gilio M, Baxter EF, Williams ML & Jercinovic MJ

(2023) Iron and Zinc Isotopic Evidence for Fluid Infiltration in Eclogite Breccias at Monviso, Italy
Goliber SFB, Starr P, Inglis E, Agard P, Locatelli M, Dragovic B, Paquet M, Moynier F & Baxter EF

(2023) Single-Outcrop Petrochronology to Constrain Heterogeneous Prograde Reactivity in the Central Appalachians
George FR, Viete DR, Harvey KE, Walker S, Guice GL & Baxter EF

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