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All abstracts by Tyler B. Blum in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Coeval Stagnant- and Mobile-Lid Tectonic Regimes in the Eoarchean
Mixon E, Bauer AM, Blum TB, Valley JW, Rizo H, O'Neil J & Kitajima K

(2024) Insights into Reconstructing REE Compositions of Melt from Zircon-Melt Partition Coefficients Using Zircon-Hosted Melt Inclusions from the Yellowstone Volcanic Province
Crisp LJ, Blum TB, Kitajima K, Shimizu K, Kita NT, Nachlas WO, Spicuzza MJ & Valley JW

(2024) UWZ1, a Zircon Standard for Oxygen Isotope Analysis by SIMS: IMF Revisited
Valley JW, Kitajima K, Spicuzza MJ, Blum TB & Kita NT

(2024) The Effects of Experimentally Induced Zircon Annealing on Melt Inclusion-Zircon Geochemistry: A Case Study of Archean Zircon from the Barberton Complex
Gonzalez JP, Blum TB, Kitajima K, Shimizu K, Spicuzza MJ, Almeev R, Kamo S, Sobolev AV, Bonamici C & Valley JW

(2023) Strategies for Oxygen Isotope Thermometry for High-Temperature Rocks in the Age of SIMS
Bonamici C, Roig CI, Siron G & Blum T

(2023) Analysis of Trace Elements in Zircon at High Mass Resolving Power Using Forward-Geometry Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
Blum TB, Kitajima K, Kita N & Valley JW

(2023) U-Nb-Sc-Ce-Yb-Ti in Zircons and H2O in Zircon Melt Inclusions: Insights into the Tectono-Magmatic Origin of 2, 736 Ma Volcanics from the Superior Province
Shimizu K, Almeev R, Blum T, Bonamici C, Davis D, Fournelle JH, Holtz F, Kitajima K, Kita NT, Nachlas WO, Sobolev AV, Spicuzza MJ & Valley JW

(2023) Nb & Sc in 4.4 to 2.7 Ga Zircons: Contrasting Hadean Sources for Jack Hills vs. Barberton
Valley JW, Blum T, Shimizu K, Kitajima K, Spicuzza MJ, Kita NT, Almeev R, Holtz F, Sobolev AV & Cavosie AJ

(2023) Sub-Millennial Scale Reconstruction of Late Quaternary Critical Zones in Utah, USA Using Laminated Soil Carbonate Rinds
Cerling T, Huth T, Marchetti D, Passey BH, Ellwein A, Mahan S, Bard E, Rostek F, Tuna T, Blum T & Holder RM

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