All abstracts by Yannis Arck in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Towards a Comprehensive Understanding of a Mountain Glacier History with 39Ar-Atta Ice and Rock DatingWachs D, Marks J, Neumann F, Arck Y, Meienburg F, Junkermann A, Bohleber P, Fischer A, Stocker-Waldhuber M, Oberthaler M & Aeschbach W
(2023) First Application of 39Ar-Atta in Lake Water – Highly Enriched 39Ar Concentrations in Lake Kivu
Robertz J, Schmidt M, Wachs D, Bärenbold F, Arck Y, Ringena L, Schmid M, Kipfer R, Oberthaler M & Aeschbach W
(2023) New Ventilation and Gas Saturation Constraints for the Arctic Ocean from Dissolved Gas Tracer Data
Arck Y, Gerke L, Brinkman J, Engelhardt E, Freundt F, Friedrich R, Negele S, Robertz J, Scott S, Wachs D, Frank N, Oberthaler M, Tanhua T & Aeschbach W
(2023) Atom Trap Trace Analysis of Cosmogenic 39Ar in Geologic Materials
Gardner WP, Arck Y, Wachs D, Hieronimus E, Oberthaler M & Aeschbach W
(2023) Applications of 39Ar-Atta in Alpine Ice Samples – Surface Ages and Constraints on Diffusion
Wachs D, Bohleber P, Fischer A, Preunkert S, Stocker-Waldhuber M, Graf von Reventlow B, Arck Y, Robertz J, Oberthaler M & Aeschbach W