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All abstracts by Theo Tacail in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Magnitude and Timescales of Ca Isotope Variability in Human Urine
Tissot FLH, Cleveland D, Grigoryan R, Kipp MA, Shafiee R, Melton H, Miaou E, Chunduri R, Tacail T & Razionale D

(2023) Prey and Predators in the So’a Basin, Flores: Dietary Reconstructions Through Ca and Sr Isotopes in Fossil Enamel of Insular Pleistocene Taxa from Indonesia
Koutamanis D, Hassler A, Tacail T, Kurniawan I, Prasetyo Wibowo U, Martin J, Balter V, Dosseto A, Sutikna T & van den Bergh G

(2023) Calcium Isotope Vertebrate Ecology and Neanderthal Ecosystem Alteration in the Last Interglacial (Eemian) Lakeland of Neumark-Nord (Germany)
Tacail T, Kindler L, Gaudzinski-Windheuser S, Roebroeks W & Tütken T

(2023) Modelling Biometal Stable Isotopes Cycles in Biological Systems Using the Isobxr R Package
Tacail T & Hernandez J-A

(2022) Potassium Isotopic Compositions of Mariana Arc Lavas and Implications for K Recycling
Rodney J, Patel R, Tacail T, Lewis J, Andersen MB & Elliott T

(2022) Dietary Reconstruction of Pleistocene Australian Herbivore Megafauna Using δ44/42Ca and 87Sr/86Sr in Fossil Enamel
Koutamanis DS, McCurry M, Tacail T & Dosseto A

(2022) The K Isotope Composition of Göttingen Minipig Brain Regions and Implication for Alzheimer’s Disease
Mahan B, Tacail T, Lewis J, Elliott T, Turner S, Chung R & Moynier F

(2022) Calcium Isotopes as a Biomarker for Vascular Calcification in Chronic Kidney Disease
Dosseto A, Lambert K, Cheikh Hassan HI & Tacail T

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