All abstracts by Luca Stigliano in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Signatures of Bacterial Weathering Detected by Statistical Characterizations of Calcite Surface MicrotopographyStigliano L, Benzerara K, Wild B, Ackerer P, Menguy N, Travert C, Skouri-Panet F & Daval D
(2023) What can Dissolution Anisotropy Teach us About Crystal Reactivity?
Daval D, Bouissonnié A, Stigliano L, Pollet-Villard M, Wild B, Bas-Lorillot J, Noiriel C & Ackerer P
(2023) Mineral Surface Roughness Resulting from Dissolution as a Proxy for the Reaction Conditions: A Potential Biosignature?
Stigliano L, Benzerara K, Ackerer P & Daval D
(2022) Linking Calcite Surface Roughness Resulting from Dissolution to the Saturation State of the Bulk Solution
Stigliano L, Ackerer P, Benzerara K & Daval D