All abstracts by Sergey Skolotnev in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Environmental Changes in the Arctic over the Past 10 Myr Based on Os Isotope Stratigraphy and Chemical Composition of Ferromanganese CrustsKonstantinova N, Suzuki K, Chang Q, Makabe A, Hein JR, Brekke H & Skolotnev S
(2022) Mantle Re-melting in an Intra-Transform Ridge Domain at the Doldrums Megatransform (Atlantic 7-8°N)
Sani C, Sanfilippo A, Genske F, Skolotnev S, Ligi M & Stracke A
(2022) Genesis of Oceanic Oxide Gabbros and Gabbronorites during Reactive Melt Migration at Transform Walls (Doldrums Megatransform System; 7-8°N Mid-Atlantic Ridge)
Basch V, Sanfilippo A, Skolotnev S, Ferrando C, Muccini F, Palmiotto C, Peyve A, Ermolaev BV, Okina OI & Ligi M