All abstracts by Hector M Lamadrid in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) The Determination of Sulfate-Carbonate-Chloride Concentrations in Fluid-Melt Inclusions from Pea Ridge IOA-Ree Deposit, SE MissouriSahdarani D & Lamadrid HM
(2024) Hicks Dome: A View of a Word-Class REE Deposit Through Fluid and Melt Inclusions
Lamadrid HM & Trela J
(2023) Crystallisation Driven Deep Volatile Degassing in Ocean Island Volcanoes: Integrating 3D Imaging with Chemical Microanalysis of Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions from Pico (Azores)
van Gerve T, Neave DA, Wieser P, Lamadrid HM, Hulsbosch N & Namur O
(2022) Monitoring and Quantifying Fluid-Mineral Reactions Using Microreactors
Lamadrid HM & Sendula E