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All abstracts by Kendra J. Lynn in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Investigating Diffusive Fractionation of Volatiles in Hawaiian Lava Fountains
Nadeau PA, Lerner A, Lynn KJ, Kelly PJ, Clive O, Elias T, Kern C, Sutton AJ, Werner CA & Clor L

(2022) Retrieving Timescales of Crustal Evolution beneath a Slow-Spreading Mid-Ocean Ridge: The Case of Atlantis Massif (IODP Site U1309D, MAR 30°N)
Ferrando C, Lynn KJ, Basch V, Ildefonse B & Godard M

(2022) Experimental Constraints on H Diffusion in Clinopyroxene at Low Temperatures (195 – 400℃): Implications for Re-equilibration at Shallow Depths
Bissbort T, Lynn KJ, Becker H-W & Chakraborty S

(2022) Glass Chemistry of the Kulanaokuaiki Tephra Units 4 and 5 Deposited from Explosive Eruptions of Kīlauea Volcano (HI)
Nalesnik A, Lynn KJ, Rose T, Warren J & Lin K-Y

(2022) Geochemical Insight into Recent Post-Caldera Collapse Eruptions at Kīlauea Volcano
Nadeau PA, Lynn KJ, Kelly PJ, Downs DT & Lerner AH

(2022) Insights into Processes of Magma Mixing and Transport at Kīlauea Using Time-Series Scoria Samples vs. The Tephra Deposit
Helz RL & Lynn KJ

(2022) Years to Decades of Pre-Eruptive Storage Recorded by Olivine from the Basaltic Subplinian Deposit of Kulanaokuaiki Tephra Unit 3 (900 C.E.), Kīlauea Volcano (HI)
Lynn KJ, Rose T, Ruth D, Swanson DA & Warren J

(2022) Growth-Induced Mg-Fe Zoning in a Skeletal Olivine
Ricardo BDS, Lynn KJ, Chu X & Sio CKI

(2022) From Kīlauea or Mauna Loa? Geochemistry of Holocene Tephra Deposits on the Southeast Flank of Mauna Loa Volcano (Hawai‘i)
Chang JM, Trusdell FA & Lynn KJ

(2022) Understanding the Closing Stages of the Last Explosive Cycle at Kīlauea Volcano by Characterizing Lavas from the ca. 1790 CE Lower East Rift Zone Eruption
Gallo R, Shea T, Downs DT, Trusdell FA & Lynn KJ

(2022) 2020–21 Eruptions of Kīlauea Reveal Steady Recovery and Mixing in the Shallow Summit Magma Chamber
Gansecki C, Lynn KJ, Downs DT, Hammer J & Shea T

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