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All abstracts by Mike Krawczynski in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) A Log-Ratio-Based Algorithm for Petrologic Mass-Balance Problems and Uncertainty Assessment
Krawczynski M, Prissel K & Olive J-A

(2022) How to Build a Legacy of Scientific Leadership: The HR Formula
Hammer J, Baker L, Barclay J, Carroll MR, Coombs M, Cottrell E, Dygert NJ, Elkins-Tanton L, First E, Gardner J, Goldsby D, Greenwood J, Johnson M, Krawczynski M, Mandeville C, McCanta M, Minitti ME, Nelson W, Prissel T, Venezky D, Weitz C & Woodruff D

(2022) Heterogeneous Oxidation of Ferrous Minerals by Chlorate and Bromate: Effect of Oxyhalogen Brines on Mars
Mitra K, Catalano JG, Krawczynski M & Hurowitz J

(2022) Experimental Calibration of an Fe3+/Fe2+-in-Amphibole Oxybarometer and its Application to Shallow Magmatic Processes at Shiveluch Volcano, Kamchatka
Goltz AE, Krawczynski M, McCanta M & Dyar D

(2022) Barometers Behaving Badly: Assessing Analytical and Experimental Error on Clinopyroxene Thermobarometry
Wieser P, Kent A, Till CB, Donovan J, Neave D & Krawczynski M

(2022) El Reventador: An Unusual Active Volcano in the Back-Arc of Ecuador
Soltani Dehnavi A & Krawczynski M

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