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All abstracts by Pengyuan Guo in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Positive Correlations of Heavy Fe-Zn-Mo Isotopes with Incompatible Element Abundances and Sr-Nd-Hf Radiogenic Isotope Enrichments in MORB Melts
Niu Y, Sun P, Guo P, Chen S, Chen Y, Duan M, Gong H, Wang X, Xiao Y, Chen T & Gao Q

(2023) Crust-Mantle Interactions during Continental Break-Up: Insights from an Early Eocene Dacitic Unit within the Norwegian Margin Collected during IODP Expedition 396
Morris AM, Lambart S, Guo P, Jones MT, Mohn GTF, Andrews G, Planke S, Berndt C, Alvarez Zarikian C, Betlem P, Brinkhuis H, Chatterjee S, Christopoulou ME, Filina IY, Frieling J, Harper DT, Longman J, Millett JM, Reed SP, Varela N, Xu W, Yager SL, Agarwal A, Bhattacharya J, Clementi VJ, Ferre EC, Nakaoka R, Tegner C & Wang M

(2023) The Northeast Atlantic Breakup (IODP Exp. 396): A Case Study for Modeling the Evolution of Mantle Source Mineralogy during Continental Rifting
Cunningham EH, Lambart S, Guo P, Chatterjee S, Tegner C, Planke S, Berndt C, Alvarez Zarikian C, Betlem P, Brinkhuis H, Christopoulou ME, Filina IY, Frieling J, Harper DT, Jones MT, Longman J, Millett JM, Mohn GTF, Reed SP, Varela N, Xu W, Yager SL, Agarwal A, Andrews G, Bhattacharya J, Clementi VJ, Ferré EC, Nakaoka R & Wang M

(2023) New Constraints on the Melting Conditions during the Northeast Atlantic Breakup: Preliminary Results from IODP Expedition 396
Hartley A, Cunningham EH, Lambart S, Guo P, Chatterjee S, Tegner C, Planke S, Berndt C, Alvarez Zarikian C, Betlem P, Brinkhuis H, Christopoulou ME, Filina IY, Frieling J, Harper DT, Jones MT, Longman J, Millett JM, Mohn GTF, Reed SP, Varela N, Xu W, Yager SL, Agarwal A, Andrews G, Bhattacharya J, Clementi VJ, Ferre EC, Nakaoka R & Wang M

(2022) MORB Fe Isotope Variation as a Consequence of Mantle Source Heterogeneity and Crustal Level Magma Differentiation
Niu Y, Chen S, Sun P, Chen Y, Guo P, Duan M, Gong H, Wang X, Xue S & Xiao Y

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