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All abstracts by Neil R Bennett in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Thermal Separation as an Alternative to Centrifugation for Two-Liquid Partitioning Studies
Munro WK & Bennett NR

(2023) Iron Isotope Evidence of an Impact Origin for Main-Group Pallasites
Sio CKI, Bennett NR, Schauble E, Lesher C, Wimpenny J & Shahar A

(2023) The Influence of Solid Structure and Liquid Composition on Fe-Isotope Fractionation between Solid and Liquid Alloys
Bennett NR, Verschoor JD, Wimpenny J & Sio CKI

(2023) Determining the Effect of 57Fe Enrichment on NRIXS-Derived Force Constants
Murtonen S, Sio CKI, Bormann K & Bennett NR

(2022) Probing the Compositional Effects on Fe-Isotope Fractionation between Solid and Liquid Metal Alloys
Bennett NR, Verschoor JD & Sio CKI

(2022) A Search for Isotopic Evidence of Thermodiffusion at the Core-Mantle Boundary
Sio CKI, Render J, Wimpenny J, Labidi J, Vlastelic I, Rizo H, Archer G, Lesher C, Brenan J & Bennett NR

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