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All abstracts by Jo Aoki in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Migration Behavior of Uranium from Groundwater to the Surface Environment in Uranium Mine Sites
Watanabe Y, Terashima M, Matsueda M, Koarai K, Aoki J & Kozai N

(2023) Removal Processes of Dissolved Elements in Groundwater Leached from Waste by Redox Reaction
Watanabe Y, Terashima M, Matsueda M, Koarai K, Aoki J & Inoue J

(2023) Direct Quantification of 90Sr in Biosamples Using Isotope Dilution–Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry Assisted by Quadrupole Energy Filtering
Aoki J, Goto M, Wakaki S, Miyazaki T, Suzuki K & Takagai Y

(2023) Gas Phase Reaction of Trace Iodine-129 for Determination by ICP–DRC–MS/MS
Matsueda M, Aoki J, Koarai K, Terashima M & Takagai Y

(2022) Detecting Low Levels of Radioactive Sr in Environmental Samples Using RPQ-Tims
Wakaki S, Aoki J, Suzuki K, Miyazaki T, Roberts J, Vollstaedt H, Takagai Y, Tollstrup D & Sasaki S

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