All abstracts by April N Abbott in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Marine Glauconites: A Potential New Archive of Paleo Seawater Magnesium IsotopesShaikh DJI, Löhr S, Baldermann DA, Farkaš J, Abbott AN & Zheng X-Y
(2024) Potassium Isotope Evidence for Enhanced Reverse Weathering in the Cretaceous Ocean
Zheng X-Y, Baldermann A, Löhr S, Farkaš J, Zack T & Abbott AN
(2023) Exploring Potential Drivers of Expanded Ocean Anoxia during Ocean Anoxic Event 2 in Tarfaya Basin (Morrocco) with SEM-EDS
Lindner R, Abbott AN & Löhr DS
(2023) Microscale, in situ δ30Si Analyses of Authigenic Aluminosilicates – New Constraints on the Use of Pore Fluid Si Isotopes as a Tracer for Marine Silicate Alteration
Geilert S, Frick DA, Abbott AN & Löhr S
(2023) Mineralogical, Chemical and Isotopic Evolution of Recent Glauconite in Two Contrasting Marine Settings
Löhr S, Zheng X, Lv Y, Weissgerber J, Baldermann A, Farkas J & Abbott AN
(2023) Across the Sediment Water Interface: The Role of Sediment Composition on the Benthic Flux of Neodymium
Abbott AN
(2022) Testing the Precambrian Reverse Weathering Hypothesis Using a 1-Billion-Year Record of Marine Shales
Deepak A, Löhr S, Abbott AN, Han S, Wheeler C & Sharma M
(2022) Mesoproterozoic Lacustrine Clay-Mineral Record of Weathering Prior to Greening of the Continents
Wheeler CA, Löhr S, Abbott AN, Davies NS & Herron ST
(2022) A Continental Arc Volcanism Trigger for OAE2?
Löhr S, Handley K, Abbott AN & Wheeler C