All abstracts by Zsuzsanna Szabó-Krausz in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) New Insights into Mineral Storage of CO2: Comparison of Flooded and not Flooded Sandstone from the Same FormationCseresznyés D, Király C, Szabó-Krausz Z, Gyore D, Szamosfalvi Á, Szabó C, Czuppon G & Falus G
(2023) Rock Forming Minerals Reactivity in Hydrogen Environment – Experimental and Modeling Study
Gelencsér O, Árvai C, Mika LT, Szabó C, Breitner D, Szabó-Krausz Z & Falus G
(2021) Boron and Cesium Leachability from Cementitious Waste Forms Containing B-10 Enriched Boric Acid
Rostamiparsa M, Nkotya E, Tolnai I, Fábián M, Falus G, Szabó C, Szabó-Krausz Z & Völgyesi P
(2021) In situ Observations and Reactive Transport Modeling of Phase Dissolution and Precipitation Processes at the Granite–concrete Interface in a Radioactive Waste Repository
Szabó-Krausz Z, Aradi LE, Király C, Kónya P, Török P, Szabó C & Falus G
(2021) Experimental and Modeling Geochemical Study of Sandstones in the Pannonian Basin (Central Europe) for Potential Underground Hydrogen Storage
Gelencsér O, Szabó-Krausz Z, Mika LT, Breitner D, Németh T, Szabó C & Falus G