All abstracts by Dan Razionale in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Magnitude and Timescales of Ca Isotope Variability in Human UrineTissot FLH, Cleveland D, Grigoryan R, Kipp MA, Shafiee R, Melton H, Miaou E, Chunduri R, Tacail T & Razionale D
(2022) Support for a Revised Interpretation of the Lomagundi-Jatuli Event and Oxygenation after the GOE
Blättler C, Bryant RN, Razionale D, Todes J & Mwinde C
(2021) A Reevaluation of the Petrogenetic Relationships Among HED Meteorites with Ca Isotopes
Valdes MC, Blättler C, Razionale D & Heck PR