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All abstracts by André Navin Paul in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) A Detailed Investigation of Post-Crystallization O-isotope Exchange in Highly Damaged U-rich Low-δ¹⁸O Paleoproterozoic Zircon via Combination of Bulk, in situ Measurements, and High-Precision U-Pb Geochronology
Zakharov D, Paul AN, Colon D, Ovtcharova M & Putlitz B

(2023) Duration and Lifetime of LIPS: Knowns and Unknowns
Schaltegger U, Davies JHFL, Gaynor SP, Greber ND, Antoine C & Paul AN

(2023) Excess Scatter in U-Pb Ages from the Ordovician ‘Likhall’ Zircon Bed Resolved by New High Precision CA-ID-TIMS Data
Paul AN, Lindskog A & Schaltegger U

(2023) In situ 40Ar/39Ar Petrochronology: The Mechanisms of Argon Isotope Redistribution and Loss in White Mica
Antoine C, Spikings RA, Paul AN & Schaltegger U

(2022) Timing of the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event – New Zircon U-Pb ID-TIMS Dates (Precordillera, Argentina)
Paul AN, Lindskog A, Mestre AI, Ahrenstedt V, Moreno F, Heredia S & Schaltegger U

(2021) Benchmarking Analysis of δ11B in Low B Mid Ocean Ridge Basalt (MORB) Volcanic Glasses
Paul AN, Stewart J, Agostini S, Kirstein L, De Hoog J, Savov I, Walowski K, Rae JWB & Elliott T

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