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All abstracts by Beatrice Luais in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Experimental High-Pressure Behavior of Germanium during Core-Mantle Differentiation
Condamine P, Manthilake G, Devidal J-L, Bouhifd A & Luais B

(2023) Experimental Investigation of Metal-Silicate Germanium Isotopic Fractionation at Equilibrium: Insights into Early Planetary Differentiation
Le Bellego B, Luais B, Dalou C, Cividini D, Motto-Ros V & Tissandier L

(2023) Early Planet Formation Pictured from Germanium Isotopes: The Earth-Mars and Moon-Vesta Dichotomy
Luais B & Cividini D

(2023) Non-Traditional Isotopic Variations in the Rochechouart Impact Structures: Tracers of Melting, Mixing, Volatilization and Hydrothermal Alteration
Faucher J, Déhais T, Luais B, Debaille V, Claeys P & Goderis S

(2021) Is Fe-Ni Alloy in Ordinary Chondrites Formed by Precursors Partial Melting?
Florin G, Alard O, Luais B & Rushmer T

(2021) Germanium and Silicon Isotope Investigations in Main-Group and Eagle Station Pallasites
Luais B, Deng Z, Villeneuve J & Cividini D

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