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All abstracts by Stephanie A Yarwood in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Optimizing Cover Cropping for Carbon Sequestration Under Future Climate Change Scenarios
Manzon JS, Yarwood SA, Van Benschoten IE, Jacobson SR & Wilmoth JL

(2024) Clumped Isotopes of Methane: New Tools for Tracking Microbial Methane Production and Consumption in Tidal Wetlands
Haghnegahdar MA, Bouyon A, Hamovit N, Magen C, Celarie CJ, Megonigal P, Yarwood SA, Noyce G, Sun J & Farquhar J

(2023) 13CH3D and 12CH2D2 Clumped Isotopes of Air as a Tool for Understanding Atmospheric Methane Sources and Sinks
Haghnegahdar MA, Sun J, Hultquist N, Hamovit N, Yarwood SA, Kaufman AJ, Bouyon A, Magen C & Farquhar J

(2021) Using 13CH3D & 12CH2D2 Clumped Isotopes for a Better Understanding of Atmospheric Methane Sources and Sinks
Haghnegahdar M, Hultquist N, Kaufman AJ, Yarwood SA, Bouyon A & Farquhar J

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