All abstracts by Dorian Thomassin in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) The High-Temperature Origin of Hydrogen in Enstatite Chondrite Chondrules and Implications for the Origin of Terrestrial WaterThomassin D, Piani L, Villeneuve J, Bouden N, Caumon M-C & Marrocchi Y
(2021) Hydrogen in Chondrites: Influence of Parent Body Alteration and Atmospheric Contamination on Primordial Components
Vacher LG, Piani L, Rigaudier T, Thomassin D, Florin G, Piralla M & Marrocchi Y
(2021) Earth’s Water may Have Been Inherited from Material Similar to Enstatite Chondrite Meteorites
Piani L, Marrocchi Y, Rigaudier T, Thomassin D, Vacher LG & Marty B