All abstracts by David Simeone in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Phase Separation in Fluorite-Related U 1– Y Ce Y O 2– x: A Re-examination by X-Ray and Neutron DiffractionSimeone D, Deschanels X, Thorogood GJ & Garcia P
(2021) Insight into Disorder, Stress and Strain of Radiation Damaged Pyrochlores
Finkeldei SC, Chang S, Brandt F, Bosbach D, Ionescu M, Avdeev M, Simeone D & Thorogood GJ
(2021) Insight into the Order-Disorder Transition of Irradiated Pyrochlore Solid Solutions as Potential Nuclear Waste Forms
Chang S, Thorogood GJ, Avdeev M, Brandt F, Bosbach D, Ionescu M, Simeone D & Finkeldei SC