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All abstracts by Haojia Abby Ren in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Precession Influenced Nutrient Utilization in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific during the early-Pleistocene Using Foraminifera-Bound Nitrogen Isotopes
Band ST, Jow K-Y, Ren HA, Shen C-C & Groeneveld J

(2023) The Response of N2 Fixation to Deglacial Changes in Shelf Nitrogen Loss along the Western Pacific Margin
Ren HA, Yang E, Chang Y-P, Chen M-T & Sigman DM

(2023) Strontium and Lithium in Planktic Foraminiferal Shells: A New Tracer for Surface Ocean Carbon Concentration?
Fang W-N, Ren HA, Spero H, Fehrenbacher J, Tipper ET, Misra S & Branson O

(2023) Understanding Nitrogen Incorporation into Skeletons of Scleractinian Coral from Field Data and Laboratory Experiments
Nuber S, Ren HA, Cai Li RY, Tanuputri J & Chen YC

(2021) Oceanic Nutrient Rise and the Late Miocene Inception of Pacific Oxygen-Deficient Zones
Wang XT, Wang Y, Auderset A, Sigman DM, Ren HA, Martinez-Garcia A, Haug GH, Su Z, Zhang Y, Rasmussen B, Sessions A & Fischer W

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