All abstracts by Ruiguang Pan in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Development of an Internally Consistent Thermodynamic Database for REE Minerals and Crystalline SolidsPan R & Zhu C
(2023) An Internally Consistent Thermodynamic Dataset for REE Aqueous Species and Phosphate Minerals (Monazite, Xenotime, and Rhabdophane) from 25 to 300℃
Pan R, Gysi AP, Miron GD & Zhu C
(2022) Optimization of the Thermodynamic Properties of the Rare Earth Elements (REE) at Hydrothermal Conditions: An Internally Consistent Thermodynamic and Experimental Dataset in the REE-P-O-H-Na-Cl System
Pan R, Gysi A & Miron GD
(2021) Thermodynamic Modelling on the UHP Metamorphism and Fluid Infiltration of the Tso Morari Coesite-Bearing Eclogite in NW India
Pan R, Macris C & Carrie M