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All abstracts by Evgenia Maria Papaslioti in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) From Real Sample to Digital 3D Model: Photogrammetry to Disseminate Collections and Experiments
Heredia CR, Papaslioti EM & Pimentel C

(2023) Immobilisation of Antimony by Hydrogel-Nanomagnetite Aggregates in Flow-Through Microfluidic Systems
Papaslioti EM, Charlet L, Vantelon D & Tabuteau H

(2023) Nanoscale Mineral/Contaminant Redox Reaction Processes: Impact on Oxyanion Contaminant Fate in Oscillating Anoxic Environments
Charlet L, Guida C, Poulain A, Ding R, Ramothe V, Papaslioti EM, Kirsch R, Fernandez-Martinez A, Scheinost AC, Greneche JM, Menguy N & Rosso KM

(2022) Immobilisation of Contaminants by Industrial Magnetite in Acidic, Phosphate-Rich Waste Leachates
Papaslioti EM, Charlet L & Le Bouteiller P

(2021) Comparative Study of As and Sb in Soil and Phosphogypsum Waste
Papaslioti EM & Charlet L

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