All abstracts by Aurelie Noret in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Calcite – Hematite Dating, Stable and Clumped Isotopes Record the History of Fault Activity, Exhumation and Climate in the Internal Alps (Penninic Frontal Thrust and Briançonnais Zone)Rolland Y, Bilau A, Schwartz S, Gautheron CE, Brigaud B, Mangenot X, Godeau N, Guihou A, Deschamps P, Pinna-Jamme R, Noret A, Bienveignant D & Dumont T
(2021) On the Heterogeneity of POC Transport Mode in the Four Largest Chinese Rivers
Ke Y, Calmels D, Bouchez J, Massault M, Noret A, Cai H, Chetelat B, Chen J, Gaillardet J & Quantin C