All abstracts by James Kershaw in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Ba/Ca of the Last Millennium North Atlantic Deep-Sea Corals as Water Mass Evolution and Ocean Circulation Variability ArchiveShen Y, Robinson LF, Stewart JA, Sun Y-J, de Carvalho Ferreira ML, Wang M, Prokopenko M, Hendry KR, Ng HC & Kershaw J
(2023) Enhancing School Ocean and Climate Outreach via Deep-Sea Coral Geochemistry
Shen Y, de Carvalho Ferreira ML, Kershaw J, Wang M, Sun Y-J, Robson E, Hildebrandt C, Almond S & Robinson LF
(2023) Controls on Stylasterid Coral δ11B and its Utility as a Seawater pH Proxy
Kershaw J, Stewart JA & Robinson LF
(2021) Ba/Ca Ratios of Stylasterid Coral Skeletons: Implications for Palaeoceanography and Coral Biomineralisation
Kershaw J, Stewart J, Strawson I, Samperiz A & Robinson LF