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All abstracts by Maya G Kopylova in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Redox Estimates on Uniquely High-Temperature Eclogite Inclusions from Cullinan Diamonds Bear a Signature of a Mantle Plume Event
Korolev N, Kiseeva K & Kopylova MG

(2022) Plume-Driven Recratonization of Deep Continental Lithospheric Mantle – 2022 Shen-Su Sun Award
Liu J, Pearson DG, Wang LH, Mather K, Kjarsgaard B, Schaeffer A, Irvine G, Kopylova MG & Armstrong J

(2021) Outstanding Woman-Geologist N. Sarsadskih – A Forgotten Discoverer of the Yakutian Kimberlite Province
Kiseeva K & Kopylova MG

(2021) Spatially Resolved Diamond Formation and Metasomatism in the Kroonstad Mantle (RSA)
Kopylova MG, Karaevangelou M & Loudon P

(2021) Determining the Volatile Composition of the Ancient Mantle Through the Analysis of Archean Aged Fibrous Diamonds
Broadley M, Byrne D, Kopylova MG, Thomassot E, Almayrac M & Marty B

(2021) Fenitization of Ultramafic Rocks Around Late Carbonatites in the Kovdor Massif (Kola Alkaline Carbonatitic Province)
Massey SN & Kopylova MG

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