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All abstracts by Matthew D. Jackson in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Numerical Investigation of Fluid Flow and Cu Transport in the Katangan Basin, Central African Copperbelt
Bahlali ML, Salinas P, Woitischek J, Jacquemyn C & Jackson MD

(2023) An Experimental Study of Metal Extraction from Continental Red-Bed Sandstones
Woitischek J, Wilkinson JJ, Humphreys-Williams E & Jackson MD

(2022) What Drives Melt Fraction Change and Chemical Differentiation in Mush Reservoirs?
Hu H, Jackson MD & Blundy JD

(2022) Experimental Insights into the Mobility of Metals in Sedimentary Basin-Hosted Copper Systems
Woitischek J, Wilkinson JJ & Jackson MD

(2021) Impact of Mush Reservoir Processes on the Source, Frequency and Composition of Large-Scale Volcanic Eruptions
Booth CA, Jackson MD, Sparks RSJ & Rust AC

(2021) The Role of Reactive Flow in Driving Melt Fraction Change and Chemical Differentiation in Mush Reservoirs
Hu H, Jackson MD & Blundy JD

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