All abstracts by David C. Catling in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Phosphate- and Cyanide-Rich Soda Lakes Support the Origin of Life, with Cyanide Sourced from Inevitable Post-Impact Reducing AtmospheresCatling DC, Haas S, Wogan NF & Zahnle KJ
(2024) Identification of Micrometeorite Candidates in Altered 1.45 Ga Mesoproterozoic Carbonates
Chen D, Buick R, Brownlee D, Catling DC & Unruh JR
(2023) Rare Earth Element Distribution in Marine Carbonates as a Potential Proxy for Seawater pH on Early Earth: A Proof of Concept Study
Lin P-C & Catling DC
(2023) Untangling Planetary Processes in the Neoproterozoic Using Cap Carbonates and a Geochemical Carbon Cycle Model
Thomas TB & Catling DC
(2023) Towards Quantification of Phosphorus Pools and Fluxes in Water and Sediments of an Extremely Phosphate-Rich Soda Lake
Haas S, Sinclair KP & Catling DC
(2022) Salty Mars, from Perseverance to Viking: Geochemical Themes, Variation, and Habitability
Clark BC, Hurowitz J, Catling DC, Flannery DT, Benison KC, Gasda P, Moore KR, Fairen AG, Gomez F & Allwood A
(2021) Molecules for the Origin of Life from Impact-Generated Atmospheres on Early Earth
Wogan N, Catling DC & Zahnle K
(2021) Hydrogen Escape, Earth’s Irreversible Oxidation, and the Great Oxidation Event Revisited
Catling DC, Kadoya S & Zanhle KJ