All abstracts by Giovanni Vinci in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Concealed by Darkness: Combination of NMR and FT-ICR MS Reveal the Heterogeneous Molecular Natures of Dissolved Organic Matter in Fractured-Rock Groundwater from an Unconfined AquiferBridoux MC, Gaiffe G, Schramm S, Pacholski P, Vinci G, Cangemi S & Spaccini R
(2022) Complementary Atmospheric Pressure Electrospray and Photoionization High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry Unravel the Molecular Complexity of Soil Humeomes
Vinci G, Piccolo A & Bridoux M
(2020) Molecular Insights into the Humeome of Two Contrasting Soils Using HRMS, NMR and GC/TOF MS
Vinci G, Mazzei P, Piccolo A & Bridoux M