All abstracts by Dan Bevan in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) In situ Strontium Isotopes in Archean Anorthosites: Constraining Early Mantle EvolutionBoyce M, Kemp A, Fisher CM, Bevan D, Sadekov A, Roberts MP & Elliott T
(2024) Tracing the Sr Isotopic Evolution of the Paleoarchean Ocean: Novel Insights from in situ Sr & Ca Isotopic Analysis of Pillow Basalt Hosted Carbonate
Bevan D, Sadekov A, Fisher CM, Boyce M, Lewis J, Elliott T, Van Kranendonk M & Kemp A
(2022) Evolution of in situ Rb/Sr by LA-MC-ICP-MS/MS: From Proteus to Neoma MS/MS
Craig G, Bevan D, Roberts J, Bouman C, Lloyd N, Wehrs H, Elliott T & Schwieters J
(2020) Detrital K-Feldspar Geochronology by Collision Cell MC-ICPMS/MS
Bevan D, Coath C, Lewis J, Schwieters J, Lloyd N, Craig G & Elliott T