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All abstracts by Karoline Bruckel in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Testing the Limits of Ti-in-Quartz Thermometry and Diffusion Modelling on the Fish Canyon Tuff
Bruckel K, Lundstrom C, Ackerson M & Campe C

(2024) Diffusion Modelling of Zoned Olivine and Magma Dynamics at a Large Mafic Underwater Volcano (Fani Maoré)
Bruckel K, Médard E, Costa F, Gurioli L, Berthod C, Verdurme P, Komorowski J-C & Bachèlery P

(2024) CSI-Magmatic: Isotopic Evidence that Every Granite was Once a Gabbro
Lundstrom C, Velazquez-Sanchez M, Bruckel K, Neumann S, Akrie P & Van Kanegan N

(2020) Insight into Mush Zone Processes: Si Isotope Offsets between Minerals of the Fish Canyon Tuff
Brückel K & Lundstrom C

(2020) Insights into Oxygen Fugacity and Charge Effects on Diffusion from Thermal Diffusion Experiments
Lin X, Lundstrom C, Krawczynski M, Lesher C & Bruckel K

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