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All abstracts by Samuel Webb in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Assessing Inadvertent Trace Metal Mobilization during Distributed Stormwater Collection – Managed Aquifer Recharge: The Influence of Alternating Anoxic-Oxic Cycling and Carbon Availability
Maki BC, Thorpe L, Edwards NP, Aiken ML, Webb S, Fisher AT & Ying SC

(2024) Integrating Synchrotron X-Ray Fluorescence Mapping with Complementary Imaging Techniques to Obtain Multi-Modal Datasets for the Earth and Environmental Sciences at SSRL
Spielman-Sun E, Bone SE & Webb S

(2023) Laboratory for Observing Anoxic Microsites in Soils (LOAMS)
Noël V, Boye K, Lacroix E, Fendorf S & Webb S

(2023) Combining Synchrotron X-Ray Fluorescence Microprobe Imaging with Conventional Microscopies to Obtain Multi-Modal Datasets for the Earth Sciences
Webb S, Bone S & Edwards NP

(2023) Assessing Inadvertent Trace Metal Mobilization during Managed Aquifer Recharge: The Influence of Alternating Anoxic-Oxic Cycling and Carbon Availability
Maki BC, Thorpe L, Edwards NP, Webb S, Fisher AT & Ying S

(2023) Phase Identification of Phosphorus Uptake onto Carbonate Minerals in Coastal Wastewater Injection Zones
Meyers KL, Kump L, Webb S, Richardson JA, Martin M & Ingalls M

(2021) Changing Chemistry of Particulate Manganese in the Near- and Far-Field Hydrothermal Plumes from 15°S East Pacific Rise and its Influence on Metal Scavenging
Lee J-M, Lam PJ, Vivancos S, Pavia F, Anderson R, Lu Y, Cheng H, Zhang P, Edwards RL, Xiang Y & Webb S

(2021) Sulfidic Conditions Transform Sinking Marine Particles
Raven MR, Keil R & Webb S

(2021) Multiple Fe, Mn, and P Mineral Interaction Pathways at the SWI of a Shallow Eutrophic Lake Revealed by K-Edge XANES and Multi-Energy Mapping Across Epoxy Preserved Sediment Profiles
Shukle JT, Richardson J, Kurek MR, Schroth A, Webb S & Druschel G

(2019) From the Molecular Scale to the Macro-Scale: Insights of Mineral Geochemistry Through X-Ray Spectrscopy and Imaging
Webb S, Bone S & Edwards N

(2019) The Distribution of Mo in Mn-Fe Nodules and Crusts and Associations with the Mineral Phases
Wegorzewski A, Hein J, Grangeon S, Webb S, Kuhn T & Koschinsky A

(2019) Selenium and Mercury Species Interactions in Wheat Plants
Subirana MA, Boada R, Simonelli L, Marini C, Jew A, Webb S, Brown GE, Llugany M & Valiente M

(2019) Rapid Organic Matter Sulfurization and Enhanced Organic Matter Burial Across Ocean Anoxic Event 2
Raven M, Fike D, Gomes M & Webb S

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