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All abstracts by Jeffrey Vervoort in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Unraveling Complex Tectonothermal Histories of Polymetamorphic Terranes Through the Application of Multiple Geochronometers
Chen T-W, Vervoort J & Baldwin J

(2023) Interrogating the Hf-Nd Isotope Compositions of Paleoarchean Rocks in the Pilbara Craton by Integrating Whole Rock and in situ Datasets
Salerno R, Roberts N, Vervoort J, Tikoff B & Hammerli J

(2023) Extreme Hf Isotope Composition of Metamorphic Zircon from an Eoarchean Fe-Rich Lithology, Akilia, SW Greenland – Clues to Protolith, Process or Both?
Whitehouse M, Kemp A, Fedo C & Vervoort J

(2022) The Formation of Dome-And-Keel Structures at 3.32 Ga in the Pilbara Craton
Salerno R, Roberts N, Vervoort J & Tikoff B

(2021) Application of Laser Ablation Split-Stream (LASS) Age and Tracer Isotope Systematics to Crustal Evolution and Petrologic Studies
Fisher CM, Vervoort J & Hanchar JM

(2021) Early Earth Decoupling of Hf-Nd Isotopes: The Accessory Mineral Perspective
Fisher CM, Vervoort J, Salerno R, Wang D & Kemp T

(2019) Magmatism and Deformation in the Mt. Edgar Granitic Complex at ~ 3.3 Ga, Pilbara Craton
Salerno R, Vervoort J, Fisher C, Roberts N, Tikoff B & Kemp A

(2019) Coupled Sm-Nd, Lu-Hf, 142Nd and 182W Study of Mt. Ada Basalt, East Pilbara Terrane, Western Australia
Rizo H, Murphy D, O'Neil J, Kemp A & Vervoort J

(2019) Understanding the Early Earth Isotope Record: The Role of Accessory Minerals
Fisher C, Bauer A & Vervoort J

(2019) The Conflicting Hf and Nd Isotope Records of Early Earth Crust-Mantle Evolution
Vervoort J, Kemp A, Fisher C, Bauer A & Salerno R

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