All abstracts by Wolfgang Schmahl in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2021) Experimental Long Term Diagenetic Alteration of Aragonitic BiocarbonatesForjanes P, Simonet-Roda M, Greiner M, Griesshaber E, Astilleros JM, Schmahl W & Fernández-Díaz L
(2019) Does the Polymorphism Control the Boron Isotopic Composition of Biocarbonate?
Rollion-Bard C, Griesshaber E, Schmahl W, Louvat P & Faure L
(2019) How Powerful can Melt Inclusions be for the Study of Early Cretaceous LIPs?
Lucchetti ACF, De Campos C, Nardy AJR, Arienzo I, Kaliwoda M, Griesshaber E, Schmahl WW, Janasi VDA & Dingwell DB