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All abstracts by Lucien Stolze in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) The Mechanism of the Sedimentary Bedrock Selenium Pump
Carrero S, Arora B, Beutler C, Bone SE, Borglin S, Brown W, Christensen JN, Dong W, Henderson AN, Li L, Newman AW, Stolze L, Thiros NE, Tokunaga TK, Wan J, Woodburn ER, Zhang Y, Steefel CI, Swanson-Hysell NL, Williams KH, Banfield J & Gilbert B

(2023) Biogeochemical Cycling of Carbon and Nitrogen in the Vadose Zone: A Multiphase and Reactive Transport Approach
Stolze L, Dwivedi D, Arora B, Nico P & Steefel CI

(2022) Controlling Role of Water Table Fluctuations and Lateral Flow on Shale Weathering in a Mountainous Watershed: Implications for Hydrogeochemical Export and Nitrogen Cycling
Stolze L, Dwivedi D, Steefel C, Gilbert B & Arora B

(2022) Multicomponent Ionic Transport and Surface Complexation in Porous Media: Multidimensional Experiments and Reactive Transport Modeling
Cogorno J, Stolze L, Muniruzzaman M & Rolle M

(2021) Arsenic Release during Oxidative Dissolution of Sulfide Minerals Under Dynamic Redox Conditions in Flow-Through Porous Media
Battistel M, Stolze L, Muniruzzaman M & Rolle M

(2019) Model-Based Interpretation of Arsenic Release during in situ Exposure of Iron Oxides
Stolze L, Zhang D, Guo H & Rolle M

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