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All abstracts by Stefan Schymura in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Redox Transformation of Uranium by Iron-Reducing Bacteria as Single Culture and in Artificial Multispecies Bio-Aggregates
Hilpmann S, Jeschke I, Deev D, Zugan M, Lapanje A, Rijavec T, Hübner R, Schymura S & Cherkouk A

(2021) Spatially Resolved Sorption of Cm(III) on Crystalline Rock: Influence of Surface Roughness and Mineralogy
Demnitz M, Molodtsov K, Schymura S, Schierz A, Müller K & Schmidt M

(2021) Increased Solubility and Mobility of Tetravalent Actinides Through Silicate Colloid Formation – An Analog Study Using Zr-89 Radiotracer
Schymura S, Mansel A & Franke K

(2021) Electrostatic and (Electro-)steric Stabilization of Colloidal Particles by Natural Organic Matter
Uygan SSS & Schymura S

(2019) Spatially-Resolved Speciation of Eu(III) and Cm(III) on Granite Surfaces
Demnitz M, Molodtsov K, Bollermann T, Schymura S, Schierz A & Schmidt M

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