All abstracts by Phil Renforth in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Prospective Techno-Economic Assessment of Artificial Nickel Laterites for CO2 Removal and Critical Metal RecoverySu D, Yaddala J, McBride A, Wilson S, Hamilton J, Frierdich AJ & Renforth P
(2024) Nickel Recovery from Artificial Laterites Produced during Surficial Mineralization of Mine Waste
Frierdich AJ, Wang Z, Mann M, Hamilton J, Turvey CC, Hussain A, Moyo A, Renforth P, Su D, Yaddala J, Lammers L & Wilson S
(2024) Artificial Nickel Laterites for Enhanced Metal Recovery and CO2 Mineralization
Wilson S, Wang B, Hussain A, Turvey CC, Moyo A, Honda-McNeil M, Spence J, Mann M, Su D, Wang Z, Yaddala J, Frierdich AJ, Hamilton J, Lammers L, Power IM, Renforth P & Zeyen N
(2023) Quantifying CO2 Removal from Enhanced Weathering Sites: A Multi-Proxy Approach
Knapp WJ, Stevenson EI, Renforth P, Ascough P, Knight ACG, Bridgestock L, Bickle M, Lin Y, Riley AL, Mayes WM & Tipper ET
(2021) Global Carbon Dioxide Removal Potential of Waste Materials from Metal and Diamond Mining
Bullock L, James RH, Matter J, Renforth P, Yang A, Darton R & Teagle D
(2021) Characterising Rates and Chemistry of Basalt Dissolution in Agriculture Soil Cores to Assess Potential of Enhanced Weathering
Buckingham FL, Holdship P, Renforth P & Henderson GM
(2019) Removal of Carbon Dioxide from the Atmosphere Using Alkaline Mineral Materials: The Hidden Potential of Existing Industries
Renforth P
(2019) The Response of Calcifying Cyanobacteria to Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement
Gore S, Gill S, Renforth P, Perkins R & Rickaby R