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All abstracts by Florian Osselin in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Pseudomorphs and Silicification of Brucite during Serpentinization
Si-Ali I, Osselin F, Centrella S & Fort J

(2023) Deep Crustal Dynamics Driven by Local Transient Transformation Weakening
Soret M, Stünitz H, Précigout J, Osselin F, Lee A & Raimbourg H

(2022) Fluid and Mineral Geochemistry during Experimental Seawater-Based Serpentinization
Hochscheid F, Ulrich M, Osselin F, Munoz M, Lemarchand D & Manatschal G

(2022) Dynamic Permeability Resulting from Fluid-Rock Interaction: Insights from Reactive Transport Experiments of Tourmalinisation in a Perigranitic Environment
Osselin F, Fort J, Sizaret S, Tuduri J & Blein O

(2021) Reactive Transport Experiments of Coupled Carbonation and Serpentinization in a Natural Serpentinite. Implication for Hydrogen Production and Carbon Geological Storage
Osselin F, Pichavant M, Ulrich M & Raimbourg H

(2019) Tracer Approaches for Identifying Potential Environmental Impacts of Shale Gas Development
Mayer B, Humez P, Osselin F, Cheung T, Nightingale M, Clarkson C, Parker B, Cherry J, Millot R, Desaulty AM & Kloppmann W

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