All abstracts by Jack J Middelburg in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Sediment Organic Matter Dynamics: Interactions Among Degradation, Secondary Production, Priming and the Actors InvolvedZhu Q, Yin X, Taubner H, Wendt J, Friedrich MW, Elvert M, Hinrichs K-U & Middelburg JJ
(2024) Silicate Weathering in Marine Sediments: A Prominent Role of Deltas
Trapp-Müller G, Aller R, Sluijs A & Middelburg JJ
(2019) Altruistic Electrical Cooperation in Multicellular Cable Bacteria
Geerlings N, Karman C, Polerecky L, Trashin S, As K, Kienhuis M, Hidalgo-Martinez S, Vasquez-Cardenas D, Boschker H, de Wael K, Middelburg J & Meysman F
(2019) Bypassing the Redox Ladder: Cable Bacteria as Electron Sinks for Other Microbes
Vasquez Cardenas D, van de Vossenberg J, Polerecky L, Malkin SY, Hidalgo-Martinez S, Middelburg JJ, Meysman FJ & Boschker HT
(2019) Resolution Limit due to Bioturbation
Kuderer M & Middelburg J