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All abstracts by Joao Lages in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Volcanic Gas Geochemical Monitoring of the 2021 Tajogaite Eruption (La Palma, Canary Island) Reveals a CO2-rich Source for Alkaline Ocean Island Volcanism
Aiuppa A, Burton MR, Allard P, Asensio-Ramos M, La Spina A, Nicholson EJ, Pardo Cofrades A, Zanon V, Barrancos J, Bitetto M, Hartley ME, Hernandez PA, Lages J, Padrón González E, Wood KT, Hayer C, Cyrzan K, Rose-Koga EF, Schiavi F, D'Auria L & Perez Rodriguez N

(2022) Essential Clues from CO2-rich Fluid Inclusions into the Complex Origin of Carbon at the Natrocarbonatite Volcano of Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania
Lages J, Boudoire G, Rizzo AL, Aiuppa A, Casola V & France L

(2020) Crustal Controls on Noble Gas Signatures in Fluid Inclusions from Andean Eruptive Products
Lages J, Rizzo A & Aiuppa A

(2019) Volcanic Gas Emissions along the Colombian Arc Segment: Implicatons for the Andean Volatile Budget and on-Going Monitoring
Lages J, Chacon Z, Burbano V, Mesa L, Arellano S, Liuzzo M, Giudice G, Aiuppa A, Bitetto M & Lopez C

(2019) Noble Gas Systematics of Central and South America Arc Volcanism from Fluid Inclusions in Minerals
Rizzo A, Lages J, Battaglia A, Aiuppa A, Samaniego P, Bernard B, Hidalgo S, Le Pennec J-L, Ceballos J, Narvaez P, Aguilar R & Robidoux P

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