All abstracts by Anthony Kemp in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) In situ Strontium Isotopes in Archean Anorthosites: Constraining Early Mantle EvolutionBoyce M, Kemp A, Fisher CM, Bevan D, Sadekov A, Roberts MP & Elliott T
(2024) The Nd Isotope Record from the Early Earth is not all Right—lessons from Accessory Minerals
Vervoort JD, Fisher CM, Botero M, Chen T-W, Salerno R, Hammerli J & Kemp A
(2024) Tracing the Sr Isotopic Evolution of the Paleoarchean Ocean: Novel Insights from in situ Sr & Ca Isotopic Analysis of Pillow Basalt Hosted Carbonate
Bevan D, Sadekov A, Fisher CM, Boyce M, Lewis J, Elliott T, Van Kranendonk M & Kemp A
(2023) Is the Primary Sulfur Isotope Signature of a Porphyry Cu-Magma Preserved in Zircon-Hosted Apatite?
Consuma G, Kemp A, Martin LAJ, Hagemann S, Fiorentini M & Tattitch B
(2023) Refining Crust Formation Ages Using Hf Isotopes from Detrital Zircon – A Case Study from Sweden
Petersson A, Waight T, Whitehouse M & Kemp A
(2023) Extreme Hf Isotope Composition of Metamorphic Zircon from an Eoarchean Fe-Rich Lithology, Akilia, SW Greenland – Clues to Protolith, Process or Both?
Whitehouse M, Kemp A, Fedo C & Vervoort J
(2022) Generation of Granites and Continental Growth in Eastern Australia: An Analysis of Compositional Variation in the ‘I-Type’ Siluro-Devonian Bega Batholith
Stirling JE, Kemp A, Denyszyn S & McCulloch M
(2021) Use of Accessory Minerals for Accurate Initial Nd Isotope Determinations in Early Archean Rocks: An Example from the Minnesota River Valley Terrane
Wang D, Shirey SB, Carlson RW, Fisher CM, Kemp A & Bickford ME
(2020) Excess 182W Preserved in Archean Crust from the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia
Stubbs D, Kemp A & Elliott T
(2019) Early Earth Evolution of the Pilbara Craton, with Implication for Continental Growth
Petersson A, Kemp A, Hickman A, Whitehouse M, Martin L & Gray C
(2019) Geochronology and Geochemistry of Late Archaean Granites from the Narryer Terrane, Yilgarn Craton
Rowe M & Kemp T
(2019) Coupled Sm-Nd, Lu-Hf, 142Nd and 182W Study of Mt. Ada Basalt, East Pilbara Terrane, Western Australia
Rizo H, Murphy D, O'Neil J, Kemp A & Vervoort J
(2019) Magmatism and Deformation in the Mt. Edgar Granitic Complex at ~ 3.3 Ga, Pilbara Craton
Salerno R, Vervoort J, Fisher C, Roberts N, Tikoff B & Kemp A
(2019) The Conflicting Hf and Nd Isotope Records of Early Earth Crust-Mantle Evolution
Vervoort J, Kemp A, Fisher C, Bauer A & Salerno R