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All abstracts by Terry Isson in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Zinc Isotope Evidence for Global Carbon Cycling and Stepwise Cooling during the Onset of Late Paleozoic Ice Age
Zhong Y, Chen J, Liu S-A, Yuan C, Gao B, Isson T, Chen B, Luo G, Sheng Q, Wang X & Qie W

(2024) Repeated Occurrences of Marine Anoxia during Highly Oxygenated Late Paleozoic Icehouse
Chen J, Li S, Montañez IP, Zhang S, Isson T, Dahl TW, Planavsky NJ, Zhang F, Wang X & Shen S

(2023) Lithium Isotopic Constraints on Widespread Clay Authigenesis after the Marinoan Glaciation
Yin Y, Wei G, Pogge von Strandmann P, Lechte M, Hohl SV, Zhang F, Isson T & Ling H-F

(2023) Paleosol Lithium Isotopes Indicate Lower Clay Production in the Weathering Zone Before Land Plants
Beaty B, Kalderon-Asael B, Rauzi S, Isson T & Planavsky NJ

(2023) Oxygen Isotope Ensemble Reveals Enhanced Carbon Recycling and Modest Temperatures on early-Earth
Isson T & Rauzi S

(2023) Lithium Isotope Evidence for Enhanced Reverse Weathering during the Early Triassic Warm Period
Rauzi S, Foster WJ, Tarhan L & Isson T

(2019) Low Mid-Proterozoic Atmospheric Oxygen Levels?
Planavsky N, Reinhard C, Isson T, Ozaki K & Crockford P

(2019) Reverse Weathering as a Long-Term Stabilizer of Marine ph and Planetary Climate
Isson T & Planavsky N

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