All abstracts by Alexander Golovin in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2022) It’s Cold in Siberia: Low Crustal Heat Production in the Siberian Craton Constrained by Xenolith PetrochronologyApen F, Rudnick R, Ionov D, Cottle J, Moyen J-F, Golovin A & Korsakov A
(2021) First Inference of Molecular Hydrogen in Mantle Pyroxene and Isotopic Consequences
Moine BN, Bolfan-Casanova N, Radu I-B, Ionov D, Costin G, Deloule E, Korsakov AV, Golovin A & Cottin JY
(2021) Oxygen Isotope (δ18O, Δ’17O) Insights into Subcontinental Mantle Evolution Since the Archean
Bindeman IN, Ionov D, Tollan PM & Golovin A
(2021) Probing Ancient Continental Crust with Kimberlite Xenoliths: Insights from the Siberian Craton
Ionov D, Moreira H, Buzenchi A, Golovin A & Dhuime B
(2019) Estimating Crustal Heat Production from the Petrochronology of Lower Crustal Xenoliths
Apen F, Rudnick R, Cottle J, Ionov D, Moyen J-F & Golovin A
(2019) Can Primitive Kimberlite Melts Have an Alkali-Carbonate Composition?
Golovin A, Sharygin I, Korsakov A, Kamenetsky V, Yaxley G & Abersteiner A
(2019) The Redox State of the Graphite- and Diamond-Bearing Eclogite Xenoliths from Udachnaya Kimberlite Pipe (Siberian Craton): Implication for the Origin of Diamonds
Mikhailenko D, Stagno V, Korsakov A, Andreozzi G, Cerantola V, Marras G, Golovin A & Malygina E