All abstracts by Ines Feldmann in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2021) The Effect of Fungal Iron Uptake on Olivine Weathering Studied by Genetic Approaches in the Rock-Inhabiting Fungus Knufia PetricolaGerrits R, Henehan MJ, Feldmann I, Radnik J, Agudo Jácome L, Lisec J, Schott J, Schumacher J, Gorbushina AA & von Blanckenburg F
(2019) Attachment of the Rock-Inhabiting Fungus K. Petricola A95 to Olivine Enhances Mineral Dissolution by Preventing the Precipitation of Iron (Oxyhydr)oxides
Gerrits R, Pokharel R, Breitenbach R, Feldmann I, Radnik J, Wirth R, Schuessler J, von Blanckenburg F, Gorbushina A & Schott J