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All abstracts by Milo Barham in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Predicting Source Rock Silica from Igneous Zircon Characteristics
Scharf T, Puzyrev V, Kirkland CL & Barham M

(2023) Integrated Pb Isotope and Textural Analysis of Impact-Shocked Granite Alkali Feldspar Elucidates Grain-Scale Hydrothermal Alteration
Zametzer A, Kirkland CL, Barham M, Timms NE, Hartnady MIH, Cavosie AJ, Ware B, Rickard WDA & Erickson T

(2022) A Hadean–Eoarchean Crustal Vestige beneath the SW Yilgarn Craton (Western Australia)
Dröllner M, Kirkland CL & Barham M

(2022) In situ Rb-Sr Biotite Dating Constrains Gold Alteration in a Shear Zone in the Eastern Goldfields, Western Australia
Zametzer A, Kirkland CL, Barham M, Hartnady MIH & Bath AB

(2020) Hydrothermal Cu-Co-Au Ore Formation during the Mesoarchean: Implications for Archean Cu-Co Metallogenesis
Fox D, Spinks S, Pearce M, Barham M, Kirkland C, Martin L & Aspandiar M

(2019) Cu-Co-Au Mineralisation in the Pilbara Craton during the Mesoarchean
Fox D, Spinks S, Pearce M, Le Vaillant M, Barham M, Thorne R & Aspandiar M

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