All abstracts by Patricia Gregg in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2018) Petrogenesis of Siquieros FZ & Off-Axis Seamounts: Os Isotopic and Trace Element ConstraintsShirey S, Perfit M, Wanless D, Gregg P, Fornari D & Ridley W
(2016) Data Assimilation Strategies for Volcano Geodesy
Zhan Y & Gregg P
(2016) Linking Ground Deformation to Magma Injection and Volatile Exsolution in a Rapidly Evolving Magma Chamber
Gregg PM, Le Mével H & Dufek J
(2016) A Model-Data Fusion Approach for Assessing Volcanic Unrest
Pettijohn JC & Gregg PM
(2009) Mantle Melting beneath the Ultra-Slow Spreading Gakkel Ridge: Insights from Melt Inclusions and Numerical Modeling
Behn M, Shaw A, Gregg P & Grove T