All abstracts by Sanchita Banerjee in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Clumped Isotope Thermometry in Calcite from Oxalate and EarthwormGhosh P, Banerjee S, Sakthivel T & Cf A
(2022) Increased CO2 Reinforcing the Contrast of Continental and Ocean Temperature: A Case Study from United States
Banerjee S, Ghosh P, Eiler J & Campana S
(2021) Clumped Isotope Thermometry for Small Sample Using Isotope Dilution Method
Banerjee S & Ghosh P
(2021) Clumped Isotope Thermometry in Earthworm Carbonates
Banerjee S, Ghosh P, S T, Versteegh E, Black S & Hodson M
(2020) Seasonal Tempearture Variability Recorded in the Carbonate Bands of Cyclothems in Lacustrine Stromatolites of Early to Mid Miocene(~14-21Ma.) Deposit from the Ebro Basin, North Spain
Banerjee S, Ghosh P, Banerjee Y, Martin-Bello L, Arenas C, Osácar C & Auque LF
(2020) Ab Initio Study of Clumped Isotopic Fractionation during Acid Digestion of Dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2)
Pramanik C, Banerjee S & Ghosh P
(2019) Clumped Isotope Depositional Temperatures from Palaeoproterozoic Fine-Agglutinated and Microdigitate Stromatolites: Vempalle Formation, Cuddapah Basin, India
Banerjee S, Banerjee Y, Ghosh P & Riding R